eCards Careers

eCards Careers

  • Card manufacturing services

    The newest laser engraving and DOD printing technologies are used in eCards' production processes. The plant, which is Egypt's largest card production facility, has a daily capacity of 200,000 cards. More than 70 million cards and an integrated set of smart cards have been successfully produced. The Payment Card Industry Council, MasterCard, Meeza, and Visa have all approved eCards for use by businesses, as have the government and other institutions.

  • Management services

    For a number of institutions (including Banque Misr, Agricultural Bank of Egypt, Al Baraka Bank, and Nasser Social Bank), eCards offers E2E services, card management, and third-party operation services. In addition to non-financial services, eCards offers third-party payment processing services to a variety of Bank customers to accelerate payment and acceptance processes.

    Currently, eCards handles 9 million cards. By 2024, the Company aspires to manage 20 million cards in Egypt and Africa.